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Kosmo Foto

Kosmo Foto Mono 100 120

€ 7,15

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Livraison 2-3 Jours ouvré

Kosmo Foto Mono is a panchromatic black-and-white negative film for use with all 35mm cameras. It has a nominal film speed of ISO 100 and is based on an existing film emulsion manufactured by Foma in Czech Republic.

Kosmo Foto Mono can be used on sunny days, overcast conditions or indoors with studio lighting, flash or natural light. It features a strongly present grain structure that gives images a retro look and feel, similar to classic black-and-white film stocks used in the time of the Space Race.

The film can easily be developed in traditional black-and-white chemistry such as Perceptol, Ultrafin or Rodinal. Kosmo Foto Mono can be pull-processed to ISO 50 or push-processed to ISO 400 with corresponding changes in development time.

Format du film Film 120
Type de film Négatif noir et blanc
Sensibilité du film ISO 100
Nombre de poses 6x4.5: 16 poses; 6x6: 12 poses; 6x7: 10 poses
Contraste Moyen
Grain Moyen
Processus de développement Noir et blanc

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